Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day Three

I'm a Night Owl, I worked on this most of the day Saturday but as the day turns to night I gain focus and before I know it it's 4:30am. I've been this way as long as I can remember; Hell, even at work I tend to hit my stride post lunch time. With that being said I got a lot done today, I had a scare though. My original file got corrupted somehow and wouldnt allow me to open it. However my buddy Juan told me I should be able to open it in Photoshop. He was right which saved me from losing my temper. So I can still do what I have to do with a few work arounds. It sucks though because I wanted to have the finished piece in Illustrator but I'd have to go back and do a lot of work which isnt worth it right now. As it stands the Black & White portion of the illustration is nearly done, I have 1 more character to add towards the bottom and then I will either color it myself or pass if off to Juan to do (he is far superior than I am at coloring).

1 comment:

The Keeper's Notes said...

Dude, I can't say how Impressed I am with the way this is turning out. I love the dude in sunglasses. Interesting off-balance square too. But, man that sucks about the file becoming corrupted! Holy crap! Always helps to have a back-up. But, you know what? I'VE got a copy of the file that you sent! it's an earlier version but I can send it back if you need it. Looking forward to the final colors.