Thursday, August 21, 2008

Almost there

Well, the colors for the 1st piece are nearly done, I won’t even comment. I’ll just post when it’s done, nuff said. On that note I am in the process of actually finalizing my character designs, so far I started with Ritsuko. Here is a sketch, I’m about 97% set on her look.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm still here

Sorry for the delay in posting but I've been torn between sketching character designs and reading/writing for the Graphic Novel. I feel like my ambitions are pulling me to and fro and I haven’t been able to focus on any one aspect which is a tad frustrating. With that being said I figured it might be cool to post up a piece I did two years ago that got me honorable mention in the Official Blizzard Fan Art Contest.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Got somethin' brewin'.

I did some sketching recently and I'm gonna try something a little different. It's based on a story concept I have which I might or might not use but I think I can at least make the visual interesting. I have to collect some reference images first so as soon as I have something I will post my progress.

P.S. Juan started the color job on the Issue #1 piece, my word! I'm stoked about how it's coming out! I can't wait to see what he does with the 2nd piece.