Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cover #3 and beyond.

I have a concept in mind for my next cover piece. The odd thing is, these covers are based on unfinished story concepts I have in mind. I’ve slowed down a tad on the art side these last few days as I have been writing a lot more lately and ideas have actually been coming out. I need to continue to work to focus my efforts and get out finished product(s) whether it be art or writing. I hope to have something to show by the end of this week.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The other version

This is the other revised version with the larger figures.

The Revised Version

I made some revisions to the piece; First off I extended the staircase in the foreground to encompass the entire width of the illustration. It makes it easier on the eye and gives the piece more depth. I also shrunk the two combatants so the sword can be seen in its entirety. I have another version where I simply fixed the stairs and left the characters in their original scale. However I think I am leaning towards the version where they are scaled down. I will discuss it with Juan and come to a decision before the coloring process gets underway or if anyone else has feedback feel free to leave a message. On a side note he started working out the flats on the Issue #1 cover so look out for that in the future.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Revisions, revisions, revisions....

After discussing the piece with Juan I will take his advice and make some revisions to the background. I think it will make things more clear and help the perspective also, once it's done I'll be sure to post it up.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Completed Piece

Well, I spent my entire weekend working on this bad boy! I was so locked in I didn't even bother with incremental updates. I haven't been this focused on a serious art project in about two years (which is good). I think it might be a tad busy but I really wanted to try and add a background to really give the characters the feeling of actually dueling in a convincing setting. I think if colored properly it will really come alive and have nice clarity (I'm looking at you Juan *grin*). I struggled with elements of the composition, in particular the sword placement. I feel it needed to have the entire blade within the piece. Like I said on several occasions, careful planning ahead of time will avoid conflicts like this. I do feel good about this one regardless and hope the next pieces (and sequentials) will be even better.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's getting there.

So far I am pretty pleased with the piece, I'm trying not to nitpick and get caught up on too many small aspects of it. Like I said before next time I will plan it out thoroghly before hand, as it stands now I am basically creating this in a "freehand" fashion. I also passed the first cover off to Juan for coloring, here's hoping he finds the time to finish it with a fairly decent turn around.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cover #2

This is the first stage of my second project. It's going to be done with an issue #2 cover in mind. I won't give away what the final piece will look like, I'm just gonna keep plugging away at it and see where it takes me. I'm using a thumbnail sketch that I am working from but it's extremely loose. I scanned it in high rez and blew it up to use as my road map for the illustration. I am still working things out in my mind but I need to start planning my work out in more detail. That way I don't waste a lot of time fidgeting with elements of the work when I am trying to create the final product.